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Empowering women: Digital inclusion for inclusive futures


Behind the scenes of the technologies that bind our lives together, visionary women have played an indispensable role in shaping the world of mobile connectivity. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Lyca Mobile shines a light on these figures who have pushed the boundaries of our communication. 

The evolution of mobile technology owes a great deal to female contributions, from the dawn of wireless communication to the 5G era and beyond. More than just innovators, these women have also fostered greater equality in the field. 

Consider Hedy Lamarr, a renowned actress who concurrently co-invented technology that laid the groundwork for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. 

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, a physicist, made fundamental discoveries that underpin the technologies behind the cellular phone, fax, fiber optics, and other innovations critical to today’s telecommunications. 

Marie Van Brittan Brown invented the first home video security system, establishing the foundation for modern security systems and baby monitors, essential for secure connectivity and communication at home. 

Sheryl Sandberg played a key role in the development of social networks on mobile, making connections accessible to billions. Her work demonstrates how connectivity can unite individuals, no matter where they are. 

Aruna Srinivasan, a specialist in 4G LTE and 5G standards, has helped define the future of high-speed mobile connectivity, ensuring that innovations meet the needs of an increasingly connected world. 

Viviane Reding, a Luxembourger and European Commissioner, worked to regulate roaming charges across Europe, making mobile communication more affordable for millions. Her commitment to consumer protection and digital accessibility deeply influences telecommunications policy and our daily lives. 

Lyca Mobile   recognizes the impact of these female contributions in mobile tech. Their determination and leadership inspire us toward a future where technology unites and transforms lives everywhere. 

In marking International Women’s Day, we salute these pioneers and all women working in mobile tech. 

Next time you use your phone, remember the women whose innovations have made it possible.